Here are some of our most frequently asked questions about Research Right. If your question is not answered below, please feel free to contact us at
How much does it cost?
We quote prices individually for each institution. Pricing is dependent on the number of students needing access. We are happy to send you a quote for an annual subscription tailored to the situation in your institution. Asking for a quote is free and does not commit you in any way.
Who can subscribe?
Research Right is available for institutional subscription. Please contact us at if you are interested in finding out more. We'll be happy to let you know if colleagues at your institution have already been in touch. Unfortunately, Research Right is not currently available for individuals to purchase. If you're a student who would like to use the site, please email your librarian or head of department and ask them to get in touch with us.
How do students access Research Right?
Research Right is available for institutional subscription so all staff and students are able to access it, on campus and remotely. Access can be set up through Shibboleth or a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment).
Is Research Right mobile compatible?
Yes, it can be accessed via a browser across different mobile devices and computers.
Does Research Right meet accessibility standards?
Yes, it’s been developed in line with W3C guidelines for accessibility, and content can be accessed using a screen reader and keyboard navigation if required.
I’m interested. What happens next?
If you want to explore the site in more detail or share access with colleagues before making a purchasing decision, fill in our Request a trial form. Setting up a free trial is easy and there's no obligation to purchase.